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About Me

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At some point in my life I realised there's a lot more to life than just coasting through it, there's something missing, there is a subtle calling that I better learn to hear and answer.

I dove deep into personal development, anything from quick self-help tips & tricks, to very foundational common sense practices like healthy eating, fitness and meditation, to psychology, unlocking emotions, discovering my feminine side and later restoring the pendulum back into the masculine. The more "normal" personal development also transformed into more spiritual work including all kinds of shadow work, positive work, energy work and enlightenment work. I gave myself challenges like talking to a stranger every day, or getting a six pack in 3 months all the while going to silent retreats and moving Kundalini energy in my body.

Life got all new and exciting but even the most crazy spiritual experiences couldn't be all there is. The calling was still unanswered and life started throwing bigger and bigger challenges at me to force a particular kind of awakening, the awakening to my calling. I had to get knocked out real good after being used to what looked like a pretty good life. I had to reach rock bottom, to take some big scary leaps of fate and fail them. People had to ask explicitly for guidance and healings.


Am I finally trying to help others on the path of personal and spiritual growth? Yes. Am I living my fullest potential? Here's some radical honesty: No. Not even close. I keep scratching the surface of what true service could be and how to express it. I finally realised the trick is to share what I can share anyway so we can enjoy the journey together 🙏

My favourite modalities so far have been Breathing, Omming, Shaking, Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Mens Work, Intimacy Workshops, Life Coaching, Massage, Energy Healing, ooh and definitely Shaktipat. There is no one best way and sometimes broadening your growth can be just as important as deepening it. I'm always open to new modalities, there are always new things to remember, integrate & embody 😉



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